Sunday, March 20, 2011

Since the Detox...

So, I completed a 20 day detox/cleanse on March 10th and today is March 20th. I lost 18lbs and felt like a new person. I have probably gained about 10 back. It takes no time to gain weight but to lose it can take forever.  I know all of the weight I lost was waste and no I am not as regular as I should be, so waste has to be be building back up. I have learned that based on what we put in our bodies can make or break us. I have been pondering over what regimen I will take on for life after that experience. During the detox/cleanse, I ate only raw vegetables, fruits and nuts. I know that I can't do that; I just did not like it. I do realize how this stuff we call meat is just not the business. From pork to beef to chicken to turkey's just not what's up. People swear that if you don't eat meat that you will lack all this "protein" but they don't realize that all the so called "protein" in the meat is pretty much lost when you cook it. your research. Beans and many different greens such as Spirulina have a plethora of protein in it. Real protein! So what am I getting at? I am getting at for ME, I am done. I am writing out my regimen today and heading to the grocery store. If I eat any "meat", it will be fish and I can't see that being every day. I want to have Juice Day each week as well. That will be where I get the juicer out and make specific vegetable and fruit juices. For that day and into the next day...that is all I will have. I will keep doing my green smoothies the other days of the week for breakfast or lunch. I will still eat things like oatmeal, brown rice, steamed or sauteed veggies. I like nuts that are roasted vs. raw for flavor purposes but I will try not to eat those too often if they are not raw. I just like the way I was feeling and there are so many foods that I just don't like anymore. There are so many foods that I know are very bad for me and I don't want the after effects of eating them. It takes planning at first, but once you get into a's smooth sailing. I will update this maybe once a month or once a week.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Not Losing a Damn Pound...

So I keep getting on this scale every Monday and it's not moving to the less nor to the more and I don't like it. I think that is why I didn't like weighing every week before. I used to weigh twice a month on the 1st and the 15th. I think I am going to just go back to that. It was more exciting than turning around and it being Monday every other day. So on November 1st...I will weigh again. Funny thing is, that is on a Monday. LOL!!! is the 15th! That's cute.

My knees have been whooping my ass so that whole idea about going walking has not happened yet. I am not going to sit up here and punish myself about it either.

Things are going to be better as soon as my knees stop reacting to season changes (at least, that is what I think they are doing). I will be on my walks. I am excited about it too. They have even made the lake area more appealing. Shoot I might be there a lot.

I would talk more right now, but I have a trip to prepare for. I will be in San Diego in 3 days with my baby and we are going to have some FUN!!! I can't wait! Lot's of photos!!!! Stay tuned! #teamHUWAM

Monday, October 18, 2010

Last Week's Struggles...I Will NOT Lose

So my goal was to lose 3lbs this week. #FAIL. I am not too happy about that but I am glad that I did not gain. As soon as I got into my week, my knees flared up with arthritis pain. When this happens...I really have no warning and I have no idea how long it will last. Sometimes the flare ups can be mild but like this was BAD. Bad to the point that I had to keep them elevated. I was in pain so much that I did not want to walk to get water or anything. Anyway...I did make sure I was eating right but I was sitting around a lot. I did not even make my grocery store trip to replenish on my salad items and some other things. I am hoping I can get out today. I am feeling a little better but not a lot.

My video went up today about Strange Weight Loss Methods. My attempt was to put on some type of show and I got help from my friend Yolanda (AWESOME PISCES COLLABORATION!).  She is in the school administrative system and it was so funny because she got all "work like" on me.  She also sells coffee that is potent with the herb GANODERMA (google it) in it and I recently started drinking it. Not only is the coffee delicious but it really does assist in weight loss. I know this from personal use but I stopped drinking it (I am not an avid coffee drinker). Starting today I will be drinking at least one cup per day.  So mark that on your calendar. I have 30 packets, so that is 30 days of this awesome coffee and water! I can't wait to let you all know of the results.

I think this week is going to be really fun with the topic and all. I have a great group of people riding these waves with me. 6 totally awesome people with the same goal in mind. I LOVE IT! The outside support has been amazing. If any of you are reading this...THANK YOU!!!! Blog at you later!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Food Ideas...I'm not scared. LOL

So on my last video for HUWAM2010, suggested to put ground flax in my oatmeal. I did that this morning and it's actually good in addition to good for me! I can truly say that I enjoyed it. I know this blog is supposed to be about my journey but in all honesty, my journey is ME. 's video today on HUWAM2010 was amazing. I mean she kept it 100% about herself and what she is looking to do. I respect that. Don't get me wrong, did too but Najah "sugarcoats nothing" and I love it! I am really excited about this collaboration. I hope everyone else is. My goal is to look back at the blog I did yesterday and see some major changes by this time next year. *You ever drink that last bit of some coffee and get a snap full of ground beans? That just happened to me. Then I chewed them.* So even though I said I would blog each day...that does not mean only one time. It's only breakfast time right now. LOL. I am not sure what I am having for lunch but I would really like a salad. Tomorrow is grocery day, so I can have those in between meal healthy snacks so that my body does not trip and feel it needs to store fat because I am not eating enough in the day. That is something I will really need to work on about as much as working out.  I can eat right but 6 times a freaking day? Really? One or two meals would be fine for me, but I know that is not the way to go. So I have had one so far. My snack will be some yogurt a little later. I think that will be good. Blog at you later.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Finally Getting the Movement Rolling

The HUWAM channel I created on YouTube back in the beginning of this year has recently taken a new turn. As of Monday, 10-11-10, it is now a collab channel with 7 awesome people who want to make that healthy lifestyle change. I am so excited. This week we are doing intro videos for each member. So far, very good. I was doing a daily vlog for 30 days but this came up, so I said...hmmm, I can still BLOG DAILY. I just don't want to take away from anyone else's day, so I will daily blog here and my day on the channel is Monday. I am happy to report that my weight was 291.8 when I started and it's now 287.8.  That is not a whole bunch but it's a loss (I say that because I think I started like 3 weeks ago and the second week I did not lose anything). My goal is to throw away 3lbs a week. I know I can do this. I am finding that I am in love with baked Salmon. Not from a restaurant either! I am really getting more and more interested in eating green veggies than I ever have before in my life. My main issue when it comes to all this is: WORKING OUT. I can eat right all day long but I need to get my body pumping and exercise is going to be what does that. Who knows how much I would really lose if that was added to the plan. Well, I plan to find out. Blog at you tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back to the Basics!

So today marks a day to get the program back up! I have been so out of sync for too long. I have gained weight back that I lost at the start of the year. Not because I am eating all wild either. I have gone back to old habits. One of those is eating late. That is something I know for ME is not smart. Another one is not drinking plenty of water. I have gotten really good with saying no to fast food. I still get it from time to time but not like I used to. Not at all like I used to. I was walking...what happened to that? I stopped. Just as bad as eating late can be for me, so can eating and lying down; no matter what time of day. I have developed a love for Green Smoothies and Juicing but just like anything else, I did not keep it consistent. This is what this is all about. I need to get back to the basics. I want to be sexy in my white outfit when I get married in 2012. Funny, my baby has no idea I am thinking 2012 but will be known soon I guess. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

So the “weight” is on…

I am still currently doing my thing!  I weigh in again on April Fool’s Day, as the world calls it.  With all my moving around and me having to be at work so much, I have not been on a great eating schedule.  I did manage to get my blender and do my smoothies.  I am happy about that.

There is a great difference when I drink these smoothies each day.  I feel different and I feel more vibrant. I thinks it is amazing.  It also amazes me that other people I know are doing it as well.  All of them are not doing the green smoothies but they are getting more fruits in and that is awesome.  A very good friend of mine, Shana, drinks a green and fruit smoothie faithfully just about every day.  She loves it and keeps telling me that she would have never “gone there” if it was not for me.  I think that is so GREAT!  Now she inspires me to continue what I am doing.  Helping others really does help you!

So I just wanted to drop a line in and say that I am still on the hunt for a smaller and healthier Leah.  This will not cease!